Hello, from Bill and Jane in Thomaston, Connecticut (famous for Seth Thomas Clocks). Thank you for visiting Hearts Desires. We want to do everything we can to make your website buying experiences pleasant. A bit about us----We're a retired machinist and proofreader who always LOVED estate and tag sales, antique shows and flea markets. As you might guess, that love resulted in an oversupply of interesting stuff. Like many who went before us, we turned to selling as well as buying. As we grew older the charm of loading and unloading the truck grew dim. Whispers of online selling grew more alluring. Eventually, there we were, with a brand new computer and a whole new world to enter. It wasn't easy getting our act together on the web---What they say about old dogs is almost true---but here we are. We sell mostly handmade and one-of-a-kind linens, with special attention to vintage and antique items, figural lace and wedding hankies. This endeavor has made our retirement a lively and exciting time for us. We hope you will enjoy our site.