Vintage Linens
Ideas & Suggestions ---- Care, Cleaning & Uses If you love beautiful, possibly older, linens, you probably have thoughts, stories or words of wisdom to share. Do it here! Tell us all about your latest find, your favorite laundering and care techniques and creative ways to show off treasured linens. Beautiful linens add a charm and grace to every room in the house. Obviously, Grandmas's lace tablecloth is not the setting for the Little League vs. Cub Scouts blueberry pie eating contest. But older linens are surprisingly durable and can almost always be cleaned to company-best.
Common sense and
TLC will go a long way with vintage linens. A stitch in time saves nine...mend before laundering. Obviously, lace and delicate fabrics should be washed by hand. Anything that feels "thin" should not be bleached AT ALL! I have tried many laundry products over the years and am currently using
Zout Pre-treatWhink for those little brown "rust" spotsOxyclean for an overnight soak5 minutes soak in Tide and (if really necessary, diluted bleach)Gentle cycle or hand washSomeone is always asking me, "What do you do with all those linens?" Mostly, I buy and sell. But in my travels I have seen some entrancing creations. A hanky quilt is a rare and wonderful arrangement. The one and only apron quilt I have ever seen was Something Else!. Sachet envelopes made from Madeira napkins, valences made from hankies and doilies, Christening caps from lace hankies, pillow-fronts from bedspreads, wedding garters from lacy scraps..... There is no end to the variations a creative craftsperson can contrive to display a beautiful piece of workmanship.What's your latest Miracle product? What have you done or seen done with some lovely little linen? Please share your latest linens story, information or creative ideas....pictures, too. Old Wives' Methods Respectfully Tried and Passed Along!
If you'll send them, I'll post them.
E-mail Me
You may find many examples at:

Updated 10/21/2013